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🐍 Python



A decorator is any function that accepts a function and returns a function.

Decorators are one of the main ways that Python implements functional programming principles.

Functions are first-class objects and can be passed as parameters.

import logging

def hello_wrapper(name, func):
  func(f'Hello {name}')

hello_wrapper("world", func=print) # Hello world
hello_wrapper("logs", func=logging.warning) # WARNING:root:Hello logs
with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f:
  hello_wrapper('everyone!', func=f.write)
import random

def anagram(t):
  l = [c for c in t]

hello_wrapper('Japushku', anagram) #  eHoulhluaskpJ
The function has to be passed as a reference, actually calling it will cause the wrapper function to attempt to execute the value returned by the inner function.
hello_wrapper("world", func=print()) # Error
def outer():
  print('Hi from the outer function')
  def inner():
    print('Hello from the inner function')

We can use the __name__ attribute to access a passed function's name.

def hello(func):
  print(f'Hello {func.__name__}')

hello(outer) # Hello outer
We can also return functions, which can then be invoked
def hello(func):
  print(f'Hello {func.__name__}')
  return func

Hi from the outer function
Hello from the inner function

new_outer = hello(outer)
new_outer is outer # True

def wrapper(func):
  print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
  print(f'After {func.__name__}')

Before outer
Hi from the outer function
Hello from the inner function
After outer
The true decorator pattern appears here, where wrapper is called the decorator and outer has been decorated.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper():
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
  return _wrapper

outer = wrapper(outer)
But the usual syntax since Python 2.4 is to place the decorator on the line above the decorated function, preceded by @:
def outer():
  print('Hi from the outer function')
  def inner():
    print('Hello from the inner function')
_wrapper here does not accept any positional arguments, so wrapping functions that take arguments will produce a TypeError
def say_hello(name):
  print(f'Hello {name}!') # error
The solution is to incorporate *args, **kwargs into the definition of the inner function, as well as the invocation of the function passed in.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
  return _wrapper
Returned values are not captured yet:
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
    return value
  return _wrapper
Inspecting the decorated function's __name__ attribute reveals that it is still named _wrapper
say_hello.__name__ # '_wrapper'
This is also true for other attributes, including docstring. functools.wraps is a decorator factory to reassign attributes to the wrapped function. This is considered superior to the functools.update_wrapper function which is also available.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
    return value
  return _wrapper
This forms an ideal starting template for the creation of custom decorators.



In the Python documentation, attributes accessed with accessor functions are called managed attributes, which makes the term equivalent to properties in C#.

Three methods can be defined using the @property decorator

def __init__(self, price):
    self._price = price
def price(self):
  return self._price
def price(self, new_price):
    if new_price > 0:
        self._price = new_price
        raise ValueError
def price(self):
    del self._price

Class methods

The @classmethod decorator prevents the interpreter from passing in the instantiated object using self, rather the class itself is passed in as the cls argument. This means that the methods decorated as such must take not self as the first argument but cls

def classmethod(cls):

The @staticmethod decorator prevents the interpreter from passing any additional arguments whatsoever. The resulting method has no access to the object itself nor the class and functions like a procedurally defined function.


flake8, black, and yapf (Google) are CLI tools used to automatically format Python code.

Web frameworks


A typical Django project contains multiple apps, which are Python packages containing their own models, views, templates, and urls.

  • A model is the single definitive source of information about your data, and contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you're storing.
  • Migrations are necessary when Model classes are updated. And for projects sufficiently advanced, migration scripts must be developed for any such changes.

  • Async Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) is the spiritual successor to, and superset of, WSGI. It implements the new Python standard for asynchronous web servers and applications, which resembles that of websockets. 👉 From WSGI to ASGI

  • WSGI is coupled tightly with the synchronous request-response model familiar from HTTP 1.1.

URL patterns (stored in the urlpatterns list defined in the project-level file) can be parameterized. Here, the template <int:x> specifies an integer to be assigned to the view parameter x.

from app.views import my_view

urlpatterns = [
  path('/example/<int:x>', my_view)
modelform_factory can be used to automatically produce a webform from a Model class.

MeetingForm = modelform_factory(Meeting, exclude=[])
This can be placed into a template using the {{ form }} template tag. Note, a {% csrf_token %} template tag must also be present for a submit button to work.
{% block content %}
<h1>Plan a new meeting</h1>
<form method="POST">
  {% csrf_token %}
  <button type="submit">Create</button>
{% endblock content %}
When the modelform_factory class has been defined, it is instantiated within the view function. This object exposes several methods: - is_valid data validation is strongly recommended for any form input - save imports the validated form data into the database
def new(request):
  if request.method == 'POST':
    form = MeetingForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
      return redirect("home")
    form = MeetingForm()

  return render(request, "meetings/new.html", {"form": form})


Django templates are HTML files with additional markup to signify places where data can be dynamically inserted. The data used by the views file is called the template context.

Templates must be placed within the /templates folder within the app, and it is considered best practice to place templates within a nested subdirectory within it, e.g. /templates/app.

Django template tags are specified beween {% .. %} and allow for interpolation of data.

  {% for m in meetings %}

  {% endfor %}

URLs can be built by using the url template tag, specifying the name of a URL

urlpatterns = [
  path('', home, name='home')
<a href="{% url 'home' %}">Home</a>


👉 Models

In Django, a Model class is mapped to a database table. Each object is a record in that table.

Model objects expose several attributes and methods

Get all objects

meetings = Meeting.objects.all()
Get count of objects in database
count = Meeting.objects.count()
Query for a specific object
meeting = Meeting.objects.get(pk=id)
👉 get_object_or_404 may be better for most cases
meeting = get_object_or_404(Meeting, pk=id)

Adding a new app

python startapp app
Then add to in project directory
  # ...

There appears to be much flexibility in the arrangement of input controls in a form.

So long as the Submit button is child to the form element, tasks are accepted in the To-Do app.

Per Bulma documentation, the field class is intended as a container for label.labels, .controls, and optional text. 👉

In contrast, control is a block container meant to enhance single form controls and can only contain input, select, button, or icon elements. 👉

form.field(method="POST", action="/")
    label.label Enter something to do
        | {{form.title}}
        | {% csrf_token %}"submit") Submit


Variables values can be taken from the route or from query parameters following a question mark.

from fastapi import FastAPI

starships = FastAPI()

def get_starship(name: str):
    return {"response": f"Hello, {name}"}
from fastapi import FastAPI

starships = FastAPI()

def get_starship(name: str = "world"):
    return {"response": f"Hello, {name}"}

FastAPI is notable for being able to use type hints to construct data models, which are much lighter than the object relational models used by other frameworks.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Starship(BaseModel):
    name : str
    registry : str
    crew : int
from django.db import models

class Starship(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    registry = models.CharField(max_length=15)
    crew = models.IntegerField()

Dogfood data can be incorporated by using the keyword argument unpacking or "double splat" operator (**)

data = {"name": "USS Enterprise", "registry" : "NCC-1701", "crew" : 203}
enterprise = Starship(**data)

POST method definitions then can use this newly defined class to validate posted data

db = []"/starships")
async def create_starship(starship : Starship):

FastAPI supports Jinja templates to serve HTML templates

import fastapi
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates

# specifies the directory where templates are to be found
templates = Jinja2Templates("templates") 

api = fastapi.APIRouter()

def index(request: starlette.requests.Request):
    return templates.TemplateResponse("helloworld.html", {"request" : request})

By default, FastAPI also exposes web applications at /docs where you can test out all the exposed API methods.

FastAPI integrates with ASGI servers like Uvicorn and Hypercorn, which can run a specific web application by name from the command-line or from within the script:

uvicorn main:starships --port 7000
import uvicorn, port=7000)

Virtual environments


pipenv --python 3.6


Create a virtual environment named project

python -m venv project


Create a virtual environment named project using a different version of Python

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 project


Pytest is a popular testing framework preferred to unittest by many Python developers because it follows Pythonic conventions more closely. In contrast to unittest's custom methods, pytest relies on the builtin assert statement.

from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook():
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    yield phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
python -m pytest

import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        self.phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = self.phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.phonebook = PhoneBook()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
python -m unittest

import os

class PhoneBook:
    def __init__(self, cache_directory = os.getcwd()):
        self.numbers = {}
        self.filename = os.path.join(cache_directory, "phonebook.txt")
        self.cache = open(self.filename, "w")

    def add(self, name, number):
        self.numbers[name] = number

    def lookup(self, name):
        return self.numbers[name]

    def is_consistent(self):
        return True

    def names(self):
        return set(self.numbers.keys())

    def clear(self):
        os.remove(self.filename )


A doctest is a docstring containing what looks like interactive Python sessions. Python Docs

Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.

>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
>>> factorial(30)
>>> factorial(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be >= 0

Factorials of floats are OK, but the float must be an exact integer:
>>> factorial(30.1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be exact integer
>>> factorial(30.0)

It must also not be ridiculously large:
>>> factorial(1e100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: n too large
This can then be run
if __name__ == '__main__':
  import doctest


PyTest relies on the built-in assert statement.


The @pytest.fixture decorator facilitiates the creation of test fixtures. The fixture function's name is used as argument to the test case, and the value returned can be used by the logic within. (src)

Any clean-up logic can be invoked in this fixture as well by replacing return with yield. Pytest also provides its own tmpdir test fixture for temporary directories. (src)

from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook():
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    yield phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook(tmpdir):
    phonebook = PhoneBook(tmpdir)
    return phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):


unittest is a testing framework built into Python's Standard Library that was based on JUnit. unittest came out in 2001, when JUnit was being ported and adapted to many languages. Collectively, these frameworks were referred to as the xUnit family. unittest's method names do not follow Python conventions because it predates the PEP-8 naming standard.

unittest allows you to create test classes that inherit from TestCase.


Assertions are implemented in individual methods of the TestCase subclass through unittest methods like assertEqual and assertRaises, etc. Notably, TestCase subclasses must not have an __init__() constructor method defined.

def test_lookup_by_name(self):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
    number = phonebook.lookup("Bob")
    self.assertEqual("12345", number)

assertRaises must be placed in a context manager. Here, the test case will run the code within the with block and check to make sure it raises the specified exception: KeyError: (src)

def test_missing_name(self):
    fleet = Fleet()
    with self.assertRaises(KeyError):


setUp is run before every test method, allowing a test fixture to be created to avoid repetitive code. tearDown is called after every method, which allows these resources to be released, even if the test case raises an exception. However, if it is setUp that raises the exception, then neither the test case nor tearDown will run. (src, src)

import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
        phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.phonebook = PhoneBook()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()
        self.phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = self.phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()

The @unittest.skip decorator will tell the test runner to skip the decorated test case (src)

def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()

The command line entry point is made with a call to unittest.main(), which executes the tests. (src)

import unittest

from my_sum import sum

class TestSum(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_list_int(self):
    Test that it can sum a list of integers
    data = [1, 2, 3]
    result = sum(data)
    self.assertEqual(result, 6)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Integration tests

By convention, tests are put in their own directory as sibling to the main module ( in order to be able to import it ). Integration and unit tests should be organized separately.

├── project
│   └──
└── tests
    ├── integration
    └── unit

Run all integration tests within specified directory.

python -m unittest discover -s tests/integration



import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml') as f:
    starships = yaml.safe_load(f)
import json

with open('./starships.json') as f:


import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml','w') as f:
    yaml.dump(starships, f)
import json

with open('/starships.json',"w") as f:


When learning unfamiliar packages and importing them in a demonstration script, care must be taken that the demonstration script does not have the same name as the package being studied. If so, attempting to import the package while in an interpreter within that directory will cause the interpreter to try importing the incomplete script and not the package.

When running a Python interpreter within this directory, the files "calc" and "main" can be imported as modules by specifying their names with no file extension.

import calc # No errors
import main # No errors
Specifying the full filename including extension does produce an error
import # Error
import # Error


The ArgumentParser object exposes an attribute that contains the value passed in from the command-line. This attribute takes its identifier from the dest keyword argument when invoking the add_argument() method.

import argparse

def get_args():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  return parser.parse_args()

def main():
  args = get_args().bar

The optional value assigned to description will be displayed when running the script with the options -h or --help

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=helptext)
usage: [-h] [-f bar]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -f bar, --foo bar

A help string can be provided as a keyword argument to help.

parser.add_argument("foo", help="bar")

A data type can be specified as an argument to type:

parser.add_argument("foo", type=int)
An alternative name for the dest value on the command-line (but which does not affect the identifier of the attribute on which the value is exposed) can be specified by metavar.
parser.add_argument("foo", metavar="bar")

The examples above used positional parameters (i.e. an argument). A named parameter (an option or flag, i.e. -h, --help, etc) requires - at the beginning of the string and values from the command-line to be passed after = or Space. add_argument supports the required keyword argument for named parameters. Note that use of the option on the command-line at all requires an argument to it, even if the option is not required itself.


A flag option can be created by defining an action keyword parameter. (src)

parser.add_argument('-o', '--on', help='A boolean flag', action='store_true')

add_mutually_exclusive_group() can be used to add a group of mutually exclusive arguments. In this case, add_argument() is invoked on the new object returned by this method and not directly on the ArgumentParser() object.

g.add_argument("-v","--verbose", action="store_true")
g.add_argument("-q","--quiet","-s","--silent", action="store_true",help='quiet/silent mode')

User input can be restricted by providing a value for choices, which will accept any iterable value including lists, ranges, and strings:

parser.add_argument("foo", choices=["bar","baz"])
parser.add_argument("foo", choices=range(1,10))
parser.add_argument("foo", choices='Hello, world!') # equivalent to ['H','e', ...]



The asyncio module offers an implementation of coroutines which allow tasks to control context switching to implement concurrency.

The await keyword is a checkpoint that indicates where it is safe for the process to go to another coroutine, allowing total control over context switching

import asyncio
import time

counter = 0

async def func1():
    global counter

    while True:
        counter += 1
        counter -= 1
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

async def func2():
    global counter

    while True:
        counter += 1
        counter -= 1
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

asyncio.gather(func1(), func2())
async def get_users():
    users = await client.do_query('select * from users')
    return users

async def main():
    task = asyncio.create_task(get_users())
    # ...
    await task

Allows the joining of multiple threads.

async def get_users():
    users = await client.do_query('select * from users')
    return users

async def main():
    await asyncio.gather(
async def get_users():
    users = await client.do_query('select * from users')
    return users

async def main():
    users = await get_users()



import azure.cosmos
from azure.cosmos.partition_key import PartitionKey

database = cosmos_client.create_database('RetailDemo')
container = database.create_container(id='WebsiteData', partition_key=PartitionKey(path='/CartID'))
print('Container WebsiteData created')


bullet.Check() implements a checkbox widget:

cli = bullet.Check(prompt = "Choose from the following items: ", choices=['pepperoni','sausage','green peppers'])
bullet.Bullet() implements a radio button widget:
cli = bullet.Bullet(prompt = "Choose from the following items: ", choices=['red','white','blue'])
The resulting object then exposes a launch() method.


Click modifies functions using decorators whch determine the command-line arguments elements that the decorated function can see.

Hello World program. Click

import click

def hello():
  click.echo('Hello World!')

if __name__ = '__main__':
Modified Hello World
import click

@click.option('--count', default=1, help='number of greetings')
def hello(count, name):
  for x in range(count):
    click.echo('Hello %s!' % name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Developing the pdfcropper tool; passing --examref changes the numbers.
import click

def hello(examref):
  top, right, bottom, left = 0,0,0,0
  if examref:
    top, right, bottom, left = 1, 2, 3, 4
  click.echo(f'Your numbers are: top ({top}), right {right}, bottom {bottom}, left {left}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  hello() decorators allow nested command groups to be created. There are two ways of adding commands to command groups: - Using the group as a decorator, whereby the name of the function decorated by is then used to decorate commands:
def group1()

def command1():
- Using the add_command method
def group1()

def command1():

For example, to imitate the nested commands available in netsh:
netsh interface ip
def interface():

@click.argument('args', nargs=-1) # All arguments passed in as tuple "args"
def interface_ip(args):

Docstrings of groups and commands show up as progressive help messages when they are invoked from the command-line.
def cli():

def initdb():
  click.echo('Initialized the database')

def dropdb():
  click.echo('Dropped the database')


if __name__ == '__main__':
CommandCollection flattens the structure of grouped commands so that the commands in all the contained groups appear in a single tier. It also becomes the entry-point of the script.

Example from GitHub:

# Three command groups cli1, cli2, and cli3 declared:
def cli1():
def cli2():
def cli3():

# Three commands each belonging to a separate group

def server():

def console():

def routes():

# CommandCollection flattens the grouped commands such that all the commands are available at once:

cli = click.CommandCollection(sources=[cli1,cli2,cli3])

if __name__ == '__main__':


  • abc provides Mapping and MutableMapping ABCs to formalize the interfaces of dict and similar types
  • ChainMap Lookups are performed on each mapping in order
  • Counter Holds an integer count for each key; each new key adds to the count
  • deque: Thread-safe double-ended queue that supports most list methods
  • namedtuple
    Card = namedtuple('Card',['rank','suit'])`
    City = namedtuple('City', 'Name Country Population Coordinates'.split(' ')]
  • OrderedDict: Maintains keys in insertion order
  • UserDict: Designed to be subclassed


Colorama provides a set of enums that resolve to terminal codes when concatenated with strings.



with open('file.csv', newline=''):
  data = [row for row in csv.reader(f)]
with open('greeks.csv') as f:
  reader = csv.DictReader(f)
  for row in reader:

Difference between datetime objects is a timedelta Parse strings into datetime objects
# Various metacharacters are defined for `strptime`

pip install
client = discord.Client()
Client objects expose a decorator that is used for event handlers, functions named after various events: - on_ready - on_member_join - on_error - on_message
async def on_ready():
  print(f'{client.user} has connected to Discord!')
Another decorator is exposed for in-chat commands (commands.Bot has to be instantiated first.)
@bot.command(name='roll_dice', help='Simulates rolling dice.')
async def roll(ctx, number_of_dice: int, number_of_sides: int):
  dice = [
    str(random.choice(range(1, number_of_sides + 1)))
    for _ in range(number_of_dice)
  await ctx.send(', '.join(dice))

bot = comands.Bot(command_prefix='!')


pip install -U python-dotenv
Load a .env file placed in the current working directory.
value =  os.getenv('key')


For higher-order functions (functions that act on or return other functions)\ Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of iterable in order to reduce it to a single value

functools.reduce(function, iterable [, initializer])
Calculate ((((1+2) +3) +4) +5)
functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1,2,3,4,5])
functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, range(1,6)) => 120 : factorial


Produce a list of strings



Support heaps, data objects where each node is either greater than or equal to its parent (max-heap) or less than or equal to its parent (min-heap) Create a heap from {iterable}

Remove and return the smallest element of {heap}
Replace the smallest element of {heap} with {element}


Start an HTTP server for the current directory

python http.server


cycle() works like next(), but it restarts from the beginning of the iterable that is passed as argument after the last element has been reached.

with open('raven') as f:
    raven = [ l for l in f ]



import json

with open('starships.json') as f:
import json

with open('starships.json',"w") as f:


import logging

def main():
  logging.basicConfig(filename='/tmp/learn-logging.log', level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')"Once upon a midnight dreary,")
  logging.warning('While I pondered weak and weary,')
  logging.error('Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Widget library and application framework built on top of ncurses. Documentation]

Three main types of object compose npyscreen applications: - Application objects manage forms and other classes - Form objects form the canvas upon which widgets are arrayed - Form general-purpose - FormMutt - Widget objects are individual controls - TitleText text entry - TitleSelectOne equivalent to radio buttons - TitleDateCombo allows picking of date on a small calendar

npyscreen.wrapper_basic is the main entry point

import npyscreen

def myFunction(*args):

if __name__ == '__main__':
  print "Blink and you missed it!"
npyscreen.Form is equivalent to the Tk() object, which is typically instantiated as win in GUI frameworks.
F = npyscreen.Form(name='My Test Application')
Several important methods are key: - create() The standard constructor calls this method, which does nothing by default and is meant to be overriden in subclasses. Widgets are defined here.

npyscreen.FormMutt imitates a UI layout popularized by applications like mutt, irssi, and vim, with a title bar at the top, a command line at the bottom, and a status line directly above the command line.

ACTION_CONTROLLER can be defined in the FormMutt subclass as the name of a subclass of ActionControllerSimple. Commands for the application can be defined as callbacks in the create() method.

self.add_action(ident,call_back, True)
Callbacks are called with the following arguments:
call_back(command_line, control_widget_proxy, live=True)
class ActionControllerSearch(npyscreen.ActionControllerSimple):
    def create(self):
        self.add_action('^/.*', self.set_search, True)

    def set_search(self, command_line, widget_proxy, live):
        self.parent.wMain.values = self.parent.value.get()

class FmSearchActive(npyscreen.FormMuttActiveTraditional):
    ACTION_CONTROLLER = ActionControllerSearch

npyscreen.NPSAppManaged is the preferred superclass to support object-oriented implementation.

class MyApplication(npyscreen.NPSAppManaged):
Calling run() method of application object as main entry point. run() activates the default form, which should be given an id of MAIN
if __name__ == '__main__':
  TestApp = MyApplication().run()
  print "All objects, baby."
Using a try/except block to allow for well-mannered exit in case of KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C)GitHub
except KeyboardInterrupt:
There are three methods for registering a Form object with a NPSAppManaged instance; - addForm() creates a new form and returns a weakref.proxy to it - addFormClass() register a class of Form rather than an instance - registerForm()

It continually displays the Form named by its NEXT_ACTIVE_FORM attribute. Use the afterEditing method to allow exiting.

class myEmployeeForm(npyscreen.Form):
  def afterEditing(self):


numpy.ndarray - 2-dimensional array - items can be fetched using the syntax a[i, j] - arrays can be sliced with syntax a[m:n, k:l] - FP:35 numpy.arange(n) build a numpy.ndarray object with numbers 0 to n-1 (FP:52) numpy.loadtxt(filename) load numbers stored in a text file (FP:53)


Instantiate the parser object

parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__.strip())

# add an option


Execute shell command given by string. The value returned is actually the exit code, not the output of the command to STDOUT.

os.system('ls -la')
Store output in a variable
os.popen('ls -la').read()
Navigate filesystem
Test for existence of a file


summary: open-source Python library used for data science operation: runs over NumPy - good for storing lists-of-lists (CSV) print(df) - prints it out in an easy to read tabular format

DataFrame is the main object in pandas - head(), tail() - prints out the first, last several rows (5 by default) - optional numerical argument defines number of rows - describe() - numerical analyses, including count, unique, mean, etc - sort_values('field',ascending=False)


Create a new pathlib object; represents a file or directory

Test for existence of a file
Test for existence of a directory
Find all .py files Returns a generator
Open a file. This makes a file object that is automatically closed, similar to open builtin:
Display file extension
Display file size


Source: RealPython tutorial

Installing PyInstaller, even in a virtual environment, will install the pyinstaller executable to $HOME/.local/bin. On Windows, it is installed to another directory within LOCALAPPDATA.

pip install pyinstaller
PyInstaller creates primarily 3 items: - .spec file, named after the CLI script - build/ folder, which can be ignored - dist/ folder, containing the final artifact at dist/cli/cli or dist/cli/cli.exe

Several options are available hidden-import name onefile

pyinstaller --onefile
On Windows, if PyInstaller is run from a virtual environment without necessary modules installed, they may not be available for compilation into the artifact. This does not appear to be an issue with Linux.

This problem appears to be specific to certain modules, like emoji.


  • Docs: ? ! Developers recommend Mono version 5.20.1 Issues 939 On Ubuntu, the eoan universe repository has to be added
    deb eoan universe
    deb eoan-updates universe
    But I can't figure out how to add the older version, because the recommended syntax produces the error "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"
    sudo apt install mono-devel=
    Maybe try the tarballs on Mono's website... Or maybe there's another repo I don't know about..
    apt install clang libglib2.0-dev python3-dev
    pip install pycparser pythonnet
    pip install -U setuptools


Random choice with replacement

Shuffle elements of an iterable in-place [FP:42]


Best used to obtain one "stream" of data at a time, without trying to obtain data from different pages

scrapy runspider -o file.json
Display HTML source of the scraped page
Get {URL}
Select a CSS selector
# Returns a `SelectorList`
# Retrieve full HTML elements
Retrieve only the text within the element
Get the href attribute value for an anchor tag
Launch Scrapy shell and scrape $URL
scrapy shell $URL
Make a default spider named {quotes} that will be restricted to {domain}
scrapy genspider quotes domain
scrapy runspider
Run a spider, saving scraped data to a JSON file
scrapy runspider -o items.json
Method which contains most of the logic of the spider, especially after the yield keyword. For multiple items, a structural basis for iteration must be found and for each iteration, data is yielded

Extract URL from link using standard CSS selection techniques

Add the domain name to a relative link

Recursively call the parse method again on the next page
yield scrapy.Request(url=next_page_url, callback=self.parse)
Scrape detail pages - parse_details would be a spider method sibling to the main parse method - if a detail page has more information than the main, then the yield keyword should be in parse_details
yield scrapy.Request(url={url}, callback=self.parse_details)


Setuptools is for uploading to PyPi. To create self-contained executable files, use pyinstaller.

├── PROJECT     # Additional code files will be placed in here
│   └──
└──    # Containing a call to `setuptools.setup()`

1 directory, 2 files
from setuptools import setup

  description='The funniest joke in the world',
  author='Flying Circus',
If the package has dependencies, they can be added by appending a install_requires keyword argument passing an array of the module names
  install_requires=[ 'markdown', ],

Reserve the name, upload package metadata, and create the webpage

python register
Create a source distribution, producing a tarball inside the top-level directory
python sdist
Upload the source distribution
python sdist upload
Do all the above in a single step
python register sdist upload


The socket module is Python's standard interface for the transport layer. Sockets can be classified by family

  • AF_INET Internet
  • AF_UNIX for UNIX sockets


These enum values are required upon initialization of a socket object: Ortega: 25

client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


import socket

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
import socket

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
import socket

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s:
import socket

msg = "Hello, world!"
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s:
    s.sendto(msg.encode(), (HOST,PORT))

Define port on which to listen for connections.

Connect to a remote socket in one direction
Convert a domain name into IPv4 address
socket.gethostbyname('') # ''
Defaults to localhost with no arguments
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Get protocol name from port number
socket.getservbyport(80) # 'http'
Listen to a maximum of 10 connections
Receive bytestream from server
msg = s.recv(1024)


Create a Connect connection object and employee.db (binary) if it doesn't exist

conn = sqlite.connect('employee.db')
Create a Connect.Cursor object
c = conn.cursor()
Perform SQL commands with Connect.Cursor.execute(). Create tablename with fields field of type type (null, integer, real, text, blob); never use Python's native string operations (f-strings, etc) to form commands, because this method is vulnerable to SQL injection. YouTube
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({field} {type}, {field} {type} ...))
Save changes
Close connection


subprocess modules allows you to spawn new processes, interact with file descriptors, and obtain exit codes. The recommended approach is to use the run() function as default, which runs a CLI command with options as a list of strings and returns a CompletedProcess instance.\ Execute shell command Unlike os.system, takes a list of arguments.['ls','-l,'.'], 0)
Set capture_output to True to save output, stored as property stdout of the returned object.
data =['ls,'-l','.'], 0, capture_output=True)
The data is stored as a bytestring, which can be decoded to a normal string.
This return a CompletedProcess instance with the command's output stored under the stdout property['ls','-l','/dev/null'], capture_output=True)
This will raise a CalledProcessError exception because of the non-zero exit code'exit 1', shell=True, check=True)


Return site-specific directory where Python files are installed

sys.prefix          # /usr/local/ by default



Print text in a color code



👉 Docs

counter = 0
lock = threading.RLock()

def func1():
  global counter

  while True:
    with lock:
      counter += 1
      counter -= 1

def func2():
  global counter

  while True:
    with lock:
      counter += 1
      counter -= 1

counter = 0

def func1():
  global counter

  while True:
    counter += 1
    counter -= 1

def func2():
  global counter

  while True:
    counter += 1
    counter -= 1



As tuples, their attributes are immutable

class Starship(NamedTuple):
  name: str
  registry: str
  crew: int


Download an RFC file from Ortega

rfc_raw = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
rfc = rfc_raw.decode()


Weak references are references to objects which return exceptions when that object has been garbage collected Create a weak reference to {object}

# A weak reference created using `ref` must be dereferenced 
r = weakref.ref(obj) 
r.method()          # will not work

# A weak reference created using `proxy` does not need to be dereferenced:


Winrm allows you to connect Linux and Windows hosts over WinRM. Begin a WinRM session. If no errors are thrown, the session has been successfully established

session = winrm.Session(ipaddress,auth=(username,password))


pip install pyyaml
import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml') as f:
    starships = yaml.safe_load(f)

There is a load method but it requires specifying one of four possible values for the Loader kwarg.

import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml','w') as f:
    yaml.dump(starships, f)


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <book id="bk101">
        <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
        <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
        <description>An in-depth look at creating applications 
        with XML.</description>
    <book id="bk102">
        <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
        <title>Midnight Rain</title>
        <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, 
        an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
        of the world.</description>
    <book id="bk103">
        <author>Corets, Eva</author>
        <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
        <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology 
        society in England, the young survivors lay the 
        foundation for a new society.</description>
    <book id="bk104">
        <author>Corets, Eva</author>
        <title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
        <description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious 
        agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life 
        for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve 
    <book id="bk105">
        <author>Corets, Eva</author>
        <title>The Sundered Grail</title>
        <description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, 
        battle one another for control of England. Sequel to 
        Oberon's Legacy.</description>
    <book id="bk106">
        <author>Randall, Cynthia</author>
        <title>Lover Birds</title>
        <description>When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology 
        conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.</description>
    <book id="bk107">
        <author>Thurman, Paula</author>
        <title>Splish Splash</title>
        <description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty 
        thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description>
    <book id="bk108">
        <author>Knorr, Stefan</author>
        <title>Creepy Crawlies</title>
        <description>An anthology of horror stories about roaches,
        centipedes, scorpions  and other insects.</description>
    <book id="bk109">
        <author>Kress, Peter</author>
        <title>Paradox Lost</title>
        <genre>Science Fiction</genre>
        <description>After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg
        Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems 
        of being quantum.</description>
    <book id="bk110">
        <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>
        <title>Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible</title>
        <description>Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in 
        detail in this deep programmer's reference.</description>
    <book id="bk111">
        <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>
        <title>MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide</title>
        <description>The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in 
        detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, 
        SAX and more.</description>
    <book id="bk112">
        <author>Galos, Mike</author>
        <title>Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide</title>
        <description>Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth,
        looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are 
        integrated into a comprehensive development 

The etree submodule contains the ElementTree object which can open a string filename to deserialize XML data using parse(), which returns an ElementTree object, representing an XML document. A Python string can also be parsed with fromstring(), which actually returns an Element object.

tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse('books.xml')
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(books)

The getroot() method returns an Element object of the XML document's root node.

root = tree.getroot()

The parsed data can be displayed using the tostring() static method, providing an Element as argument.


Children of an element can be filtered using findall(). This returns a list of Elements.

books = root.findall('book')

Any Element object exposes an attrib property which returns a dictionary of attributes.

[b.attrib for b in books]

Attributes can be written to an Element using the set() method.


Attributes can also be manipulated on the attrib property with normal Python dictionary operations.

root.attrib['foo'] = 'bar'

Commit changes to disk. The argument can be a string representing the filename or a file object (in which case the file must be opened as a binary). Encoding can be specified (default is UTF-8) and a XML declaration can also be automatically generated.

tree.write('books.xml', encoding='UTF-16', xml_declaration=True)
with open('books.xml', 'wb') as f:

Find elements by element name



Method resolution order

Method resolution order (MRO) is the order of base classes that are searched when using super(). It is accessed with __mro__, which returns a tuple of base classes in order of precedence, ending in object which is the root class of all classes. (src)

Non-interactive debugging

Non-interactive debugging is the most basic form of debugging, dependent on print or log statements placed within the body of code.

Type slot

A type slot is any of a number of fields within each magic method, including __new__(), __init__(), and __prepare__() (which returns a dictionary-like object that's used as the local namespace for all code from the class body)