Azure App Service
Web applications must be organized under an App Service Plan resource. App service plans have various pricing tiers:
- Free/Shared: uses a shared infrastructure with minimal storage. No options for deploying different staged versions, routing of traffic, or backups
- Basic: Dedicated compute for app, including avaiilability of SSL and manual scaling of app instance number.
- Standard: Daily backups, automatic scaling of app instances, deployment slots, and user routing with Traffic Manager
- Premium: more frequent backups, increased storage, and greater number of deployment slots and instance scaling options.
az appservice plan create -g $g -n $p
az webapp list-runtimes --linux
az webapp create -n $n -g $g
--plan $p
Deploy from GitHub
az appservice plan create -g $rg -n $p
--sku FREE
az webapp create -g $rg -n $webappname
--plan $p
az webapp deployment source config -g $rg -n $webappname
--repo-url $gitrepo
--branch master
# Web app will be available at http://$
Deploy image from Azure Container Registry
az webapp create -g $g -n $n
--plan $p
--deployment-container-image-name $$image:latest
az webapp config appsettings set -g $g -n $n
--settings "WEBSITES_PORT=8000"
# Service principal ID
$p = az webapp identity assign -g $g -n $n -o tsv
--query principalId
$s = az account show -o tsv
--query id
# Grant web app permission to access the container registry
az role assignment create
--assignee $p
--scope /subscriptions/$s/resourceGroups/$g/provides/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/$registry
# Deploy image
az webapp config container set -g $g -n $n
--docker-custom-image-name $$image:latest
--docker-registry-server-url https://$
az webapp restart -n $n -g $g