Azure Backup can backup on-prem servers, cloud-based VMs, and virtualized workloads like SQL Server and Sharepoint. However Azure SQL databases are already backed up by an automatic service by default. AZ-103 p. 159
On-prem machines can be backed up using several agents AZ-103 p. 162
- MARS Agent
- System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) or Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS) can be used as backup servers. The backup server can then be backed up to a Recovery Services vault
Azure VMs can be backed up
- Directly using an extension on the Azure VM Agent, which comes preinstalled on Marketplace images
- Specific files and folders on a VM can be backed up by running the MARS agent
- To the MABS running in Azure, which can then be backed up to a Recovery Services vault
Storage accounts can be backed up, but not blob storage. Blob storage is already replicated locally, which provides fault-tolerance. Instead, you can use snapshots.
When installed, the Get-AzVM
command exposes a ProvisionVMAgent
property with a boolean value under OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration
There appear to be resources that house items to be protected that can be enumerated.
Log Analytics workspaces must be located in the same region as the Recovery Services vault in order to store Backup reports.
Azure Backup pre-checks complete with various statuses that indicate potential problems
- Passed: VM configuration is conducive for successful backups
- Warning: Issues that might lead to backup failures
- Critical: Issues that will lead to backup failures
Create Recovery Services Vault
New-AzRecoveryServicesVault -Name $n -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Location $l
az backup vault create --name $n --resource-group $rgName --Location $l
Enable MFA
This requires MFA to be enabled.
Enable multi-factor authentication for the Recovery services vault by going to the vault in the Portal, then Properties > Security settings: Update > Choose Yes in the dropdown. An option to generate a security PIN will appear in this same blade.
Recover files
Download the executable (for Windows VMs) or PowerShell script (for Linux VMs). A Python script is generated when downloading to a Linux machine.
Configure Backup reports
Sources - Configure Azure Backup reports
A Log Analytics workspace must exist.
- Turn on diagnostics in the Recovery Services vault
- Select Archive to a storage account (NOT Send to Log Analytics), providing a storage account to store information needed for report.
- Select
under log section, which will collect all needed data models and information for the backup report. - Connect to Azure Backup in PowerBI using a service content pack.
Define new backup protection policy
$SchPol = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupSchedulePolicyObject -WorkloadType "AzureVM"
$Dt = Get-Date
$RetPol = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupRetentionPolicyObject -WorkloadType "AzureVM"
$RetPol.DailySchedule.DurationCountInDays = 365
New-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy -Name "NewPolicy" -WorkloadType AzureVM -RetentionPolicy $RetPol -SchedulePolicy $SchPol
Configure VM backup
$policy = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy -Name "DefaultPolicy"
Enable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -ResourceGroupName $g -Name $n -Policy $policy
# GRS by default
az backup protection enable-for-vm -g $g -v $v --vm vm --policy-name DefaultPolicy
az backup vault backup-properties set -n $v -g $g --backup-storage-redundancy "LocallyRedundant"
Initiate VM backup
$backupcontainer = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer
-ContainerType "AzureVM"
-FriendlyName "myVM"
$item = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem
-Container $backupcontainer
-WorkloadType "AzureVM"
Backup-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -Item $item
appears to accept the name of the VM itself.
az backup protection backup-now -g myResourceGroup -n myRecoveryServicesVault --container-name myVM
--item-name myVM
--retain-until 18-10-2017
--backup-management-type AzureIaasVM
List containers
accepts the following values
- AzureVM
- AzureWorkload
- AzureStorage
- AzureVM
- Windows
- AzureSQL
- AzureStorage
- AzureVMAppContainer
$v = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name vault
Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType Windows -BackupManagementType MARS -VaultId $v.ID
This returns a list of JSON objects.
accepts the following values:
- AzureIaasVM
- AzureStorage
- AzureWorkload
az backup container list -g $g -v $v --backup-management-type AzureIaasVM
az backup container list -g $g -v $v --backup-management-type AzureIaasVM --query [0].name