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apt install bind9 bind9-utils bind9-dnsutils -y

Set BIND to IPv4 mode in the service parameters file:

OPTIONS="-4 -u bind"

BIND configs have a unique syntax that make heavy use of the semicolon. The main config is at /etc/named.conf on Arch and RHEL systems and at /etc/bind/named.conf on Ubuntu.

A DNS zone is a database with resource records for a specific sub-tree in the domain space.

A DNS zone requires a start of authority (SOA) record. For readability, admins typically break the record apart into lines with comments describing each field following a semicolon.

Representative SOA record
@ IN SOA (
                          2022070601 ; serial number
                          1d         ; refresh period
                          3h         ; retry period
                          3d         ; expire time
                          3h )       ; minimum TTL

Allow recursive queries from trusted clients

acl "trusted" {;    # ns1 - can be set to localhost;    # ns2;  # host1;  # host2

Allow recursion

options {
    directory "/var/cache/bind";

    recursion yes;
    allow-recursion {trusted; };
    listen-on {; };
    allow-transfer { none; };
    forwarders {; };

Now zone files can be specified in named.conf.local. An additional zone and zone file must be specified for every private subnet.

zone "mydns" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/db.mydns";

The actual zone files can be copied from /etc/bind/db.local and edited manually.
