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Preprocessing is the phase of executing preprocessing directives in a source file, which are then removed from the resulting translation unit, which combines the pure C or C++ code of a source file with all its included header files. The translation unit is then compiled into an object file, and it is the linker that then forms linkages between object files to produce an executable module.

The #define directive specifies a macro which can define a text replacement to occur in code before it is compiled. Macros are considered a holdover from C, and other constructs like variable templates and function templates are considered better suited in C++. In practice, #define statements are most commonly used to handle header files.

Here, any instance of "PI" in the source code will be replaced by the string of digits "3.14159265", but it will not be replaced if it forms part of an identifier or appears in a string literal or comment.

#define PI 3.14159265
If a substitution string isn't specified then any instance of the identifier will simply be removed.
#define break
Macros may not span multiple lines without escaped line breaks, but during preprocessing these are removed and the substitution is made inline.
#define PI 3.14\

Function-like macros are possible because the preprocessor can recognize a function call in the macro identifier and replace its arguments intelligently. Here any invocation of the MAX() function call will have its arguments incorporated into the substitution statement.

#define MAX(A, B) A >= B ? A : B

All the lines following #ifndef (#if !defined) will be kept in the file as long as the identifier "MYHEADER_H" has not already been defined. This common is called an #include guard.

#ifndef MYHEADER_H
#define MYHEADER_H
// ...


Since C++14, you can separate digits in a long integer with a single quote to make it more readable.

int num {12'345}; // 12,345
Hexadecimal literals are prefixed with "0x" and octals with "0":
int hex {0xabcdef};
int oct {0567};
constexpr is used in some situations I can't figure out yet.
static constexpr u32 MAX_MEM = 1024 * 64;

size_t is a type alias defined in the Standard Library (in the cstddef header). It is an alias for an unsigned integer type.


A braced initializer refers to placing the initial value of a variable in braces. This is a novel style of initialization introduced in C++11. Its main advantage is that it will raise a compile-time error if the compiler has to perform a narrowing conversion of the value to match the declared type.

int apples {15};

Older but equally valid ways of initializing variables:

int oranges = 12;
int kiwis(13); // "functional notation"
Zero initialization refers to initializing a variable with empty braces. It works for any fundamental type, and numeric types initialize to zero.
int grapes {}; // 0

Sequences, like this array class can be efficiently zero-initialized; the braces can contain any number of values up to the declared size of the array (remaining values will be zero-initialized).

#include <array>

array<int, 5> myIntArray{};
Multi-dimensional arrays can be initialized with nested initializers:
int myNums[2][3] 
  {1, 2, 3},
  {4, 5, 6}


Smart pointers (also called managed pointers) are pointers that manage their own memory. They were introduced in C++11, and there is no longer a reason to use the earlier raw pointers. In older versions of C++, memory leaks were common because the programmer had to remember to release memory allocated dynamically from the heap/free store using the delete keyword. These older pointers are now called raw pointers

The most commonly used smart pointer is unique_ptr: others include shared_ptr and weak_ptr.

Only a single unique_ptr<T> can point to any memory address, unless ownership is transfered with move(). Since C++14, it is recommended to create unique pointers using makeunique<T>().

auto pdbl = make_unique<dbouble>();

When variables are declared with an asterisk * appended to the datatype or prepended to the identifier, the variable becomes a pointer to that type. Pointer identifiers usually begin with "p", a convention known as Hungarian notation. The size of pointers corresponds to the address space of available memory (4 bytes for 32-bit architectures, and 8 bytes for 64-bit).

// The following statements are equivalent.
long* pnum {}; 
long *pnum {nullptr};
void * is known as "pointer to void type", meaning variables defined as such are pointers to data of an unspecified type, making it similar to var in C#.

The address-of operator & obtains the address of a variable. The address-of operator typically also occurs with the indirection operator or dereference operator (also *) to access the data pointed to by a pointer. Using a dereferenced pointer is the same as using the variable to which it points.

long num {12345L};
long* pnum {&num};
long newnum {*pnum + 1};
When a pointer points to an object with methods, like a vector<T> container , the indirect member selection operator (->) can be used to access the methods.
// The following statements are equivalent.
auto* pdata {new std::vector<int>{}};

std::vector<int> data;
auto* pdata = &data;

// The following statements are equivalent.

Pointers to classes can be recast with the following syntax:

Animal* ptr = &kitty;

// newer, safer syntax


Containers are a type of data structure used to contain elements for various purposes. They are deeply tied to algorithms through iterators.

Two array-like data structures defined in the Standard Library that are more typically used are array<T,N> and vector<T>


An array is a variable that represents a contiguous sequence of memory locations, each storing an item of data of the same data type, each of which are called elements. Arrays must be declared with a constant integer expression that is fixed at compile time. Built-in arrays in C++ are inherited from C.

int primes[10] {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}

Sequence containers

The two most common sequence containers are array<T,N> and vector<T>.

All sequence containers expose several of a family of related member functions:

Member function vector array list forward_list deque

array<T,N> (also "array class") is a fixed sequence defined with two template parameters to create an array of N elements of type T. Here it is zero initialized with an empty braced initializer.

#include <array>

array<int, 5> myIntArray{};
Other methods: - fill(): Set every element of the array to the same value - size(): Return the number of elements as a type size_t - at(): Access an element at a given index but testing for a valid range. Safer than using the built-in index method.

Vectors are sequential containers with typed elements like the array class, but are not limited to fixed sizes. The push_back() method is similar to a Python List.append(). Other methods like front(), back(), and pop_back() can be used to manipulate the vector.

#include <vector>
vector<int> vals;
The insert() method takes two arguments, one is an iterator, here provided by yet another vector method - begin(), and the content to be inserted. This code will insert the string at index 2.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  vector<string> family;

  family.insert(family.begin() + 2, "Dgiapusccu");
  for (string i : family) {
    cout << i << endl;

  return 0;

A forward_list<T> is an implementation of the singly-linked list and is rarely used.

A list<T> is an implementation of the doubly-linked list and is rarely used.

The double-ended queue (deque) exposes push_Front() and push_back() methods.

Container adapters

A stack<T> implements last-in first-out (LIFO) semantics.

Stacks support push and pop methods.

A queue<T> implements first-in first-out (FIFO) semantics.

Associate containers

Standard iterators

There are three types of iterator supported by containers in the Standard Library: - random access iterator support the widest variety of operations: vector<T>, array<T,N>, and deque<T> - forward iterators do not support decrement operations ("going backwards"), and this describes the operation of a forward_list<T> - bidirectional iterators support both increment and decrement operations, but cannot jump more than one value, describing the operation of a list<T>

stack<T>, queue<T>, and priority_queue<T> do not have iterators whatsoever.

Containers in the Standard Library expose a begin() member function, which is the most commonly used iterator.

std::vector<char> letters{'a','b','c','d','e'}
auto iter{letters.begin()};

// Specifying type explicitly
std::vector::iterator iter{letters.begin()};
At a deep level, iterators are pointers, so dereferencing them produces the element of the container being iterated.
std::cout << *iter << std:: endl; // a
The container can now be traversed by incrementing and (sometimes) decrementing the iterator.
std::cout << *iter << std:: endl; // b

A string can be reversed using the rbegin() and rend() iterators:

string name{"Lorem ipsum..."};
string reverse(name.rbegin(), name.rend());


A syntactic sugar has been available since C++17:

for ([x, y] : coords)
  std::cout << x << y << endl;
It is equivalent to:
for (std::pair<int, int> el : coords)
  std::cout << el.first << el.second << endl;
The pair type has two public fields:

  • first
  • second## Math
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int num{2};
  cout << pow(num,2) << endl;


New data types in C++ are created as classes, which can be composites of member variables of other types and member functions, allowing complex and intuitive models to be created.

The three primary principles of OOP are:

  • Encapsulation: member variables and functions are packaged together
    • Data hiding preserves the integrity of an object
  • Inheritance allows one type to define another.
  • Polymorphism (in C++ implemented by calling member functions using a pointer or reference) allow behavior of base classes to be exposed from objects of derived classes

Member variables

Classes can contain member variables that are public or private ("access specifiers"), but it is best practice to make variables private while implementing accessor functions (getters and setters): - Hiding data preserves the integrity of objects - Loose coupling facilitates future change in codebase - Extra code can be injected for logging or data validation - Debuggers can set breakpoints on these getters and setters

class Box
  double length {1,0};
  double width {1,0};
  double height {1,0};
  double volume()
    return length * width * height;


A member initializer list can be used to initialize fields more efficiently than explicit assignment.

Box::Box(double lv, double wv, double hv) : length {lv}, width {wv}, height {hv} {}
This technique must have an expression in braces, even if they are empty.
// Compiler error
Box::Box(double lv, double wv, double hv) : length {lv}, width {wv}, height {hv} 
Notably, this technique doesn't appear to work in derived class constructors.
class Animal 
  std::string _name{};
  Animal(std::string n) : _name {n} {}

class Dog : public Animal
  Dog(std::string n, std::string b) : Animal(n) {_breed = b;};

A class constructor is called whenever a new instance of the class is defined. It always has the same name as the class itself and has no return data type because it returns no data.

class Box
  // ...
  Box( double l, double w, double h)
    length = l;
    width = w;
    height = h;

If a constructor isn't defined, the compiler will supply a default default constructor when an object is instantiated without initial values. To define a default constructor:

Box() = default;

A destructor is a special member of a class executed to deal with cleanup upon use of the delete operator. A class can have only one destructor, and if one isn't defined then the compiler provides a default destructor that does nothing. The name of the destructor for a class is always the class name prefixed with a tilde, and similar to a constructor it cannot have a return type or parameters.

~Box() = default;
Box::~Box() = default; // when defined outside the class

Base class destructors should always be declared as virtual.


When variables of class types are instantiated with the const keyword, they are called const objects, and none of their member variables can be altered (member variables of const objects become immutable). The compiler will throw an error when attempting to invoke methods of const objects unless they are identified as const member functions by using the const keyword in the signature after the identifier ("attribute"?):

class Box {
  double volume () const { /* ... */ }
  double getLength() const { return length; }
  double getWidth() const { return width; }
  double getHeight() const { return height; }

public, private, and protected are access specifiers that determine how a member variables and functions can be accessed from the outside. When inheriting from a base class, an access specifier can also be used to determine how accessible that base class's members are within the derived class.

class Dog : public Animal 
  // ...
- When the base class specifier is public, inherited members are unchanged - When the base class specifier is protected, inherited public and protected members become protected - When the base class specifier is private, all inherited members become private.

A friend is a function to which a class grants access to its private internals. They may be useful in rare situations where a single function needs access to the internals of different kinds of objects.


When creating subclasses, you must remember: - Private variables must be placed in the protected access specifier so that they are accessible to child classes. - The base class access specifier must allow access to the base class's private variables (public or protected) - Parent class must have a default constructor

class Animal {
protected: // not `private:`!
  std::string _name;
  Animal() = default;
class Dog : public Animal { /* ... */ } // 


Polymorphism in C++ refers to the practice of invoking a base class's member function rather than the derived class.

Because the compiler performs early binding by default, a pointer typed to a base class but initialized to a derived class will invoke the base class's member function. Late binding can be used to force the pointer to use the derived class's member function even when the type of the pointer is the base class. This is done by using the virtual keyword on the base class's member function.

Classes with virtual functions are called abstract classes and may not be instantiated. Abstract classes that are made of only virtual functions are called interfaces.

class Base 
  virtual void doStuff() { /* ... */ }

class Derived : public Base
  void doStuff() { /* ... */ }

int main() 
  Derived derived{};
  Base* pointer = &derived; // a pointer to an abstract class **may** be used
Derived classes must then override this virtual function with the override keyword.
class Derived : public Base {
  override doStuff() // ...


Enumerations can be specified with enum. Without specifying a value, each element of the enum is given a successively greater integer value starting with 0, like the indexes of an array (an ordinal value).

enum Choices {A, B, C, D }
These elements can be specified with or without the scope resolution operator ::
cout << A;          // 0
cout << Choices::A; // 0


Templates are used to have the compiler generate code automatically for a given data type. This is to avoid highly repetitive overloaded function definitions which only differ in parameter lists.

The template and typename keywords define a template. The placeholder "T" represents the data type that will be replaced by a specific type by the compiler.

template <typename T> T larger (T a, T b) {
  return a>b ? a : b;
More than one data type can be used for the parameters, but in that case the return type must be explicitly specified:
template <typename T1, typename T2> bool larger (T1 a, T2 b) {
  return a>b;

Control flow

The choices in a switch statement are called cases. You can only switch on constant expressions that can be evaluated at compile-time, typically literals but excluding strings. Each case must be followed by a break statement to prevent fallthrough, except for the default case.

switch (choice)
  case 1:
    // ...
  case 2:
    // ...
    // ...

Since C++11, the range-based for-loop is available, which works very similar to a Python for-in loop:

for (string num : nums)
  cout << num << endl;


Function prototypes, defining the function header (return data type, function name, and parameter list), describe a function sufficiently for the compiler to be able to compile calls to it and are required before using a function if the function declaration doesn't precede all the locations where it's called.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Without this prototype, there is a  compile-time error.
void printSomething();

int main() {
  return 0;

void printSomething()
  cout << "something..." << endl;
Passing by reference allows variables to be changed in-place and works by using the reference to the argument. Passing by value is the default parameter passing scheme, which works by actually copying the argument.
int func(int a) {
  // Pass by value
int func(int &a) {
  // Pass by reference


Recursion requires a base case and at least one recursive case. The call stack is a stack data structure that figures prominently in recursive computing.## Home

Project Description
JamoftheMonthProject.cpp CLI application that calculates how much the user owes based on selected subscription tier and units purchased
RPGCharGen.cpp Multiple classes using inheritance, virtual member functions, enums
Task Description
Reverse a string ...## Iterators

An iterator is a classical and widespread design pattern that allows a wide variety of container-like objects to be traversed by exposing a uniform interface.

However, loops based on iterators should only be used if access to the iterator is needed for advanced processing in the loop body. A range-based for loop is the recommended way to iterate over all elements of a container.


Memory leaks can be detected using valgrind.


A namespace is a block that attaches an extra name to every entity name that is declared or defined within it. The qualified name of each entity is the namespace name followed by the scope resolution operator :: followed by the basic entity name. Namespaces can be used to partition large codebases into logical groupings to avoid name clashes. If a namespace isn't defined, the global namespace, where entities have no namespace name attached, applies by default.

You can define a namespace using the namespace keyword.

namespace foo {
  // ...
Namespaces can be nested..
namespace outer {
  namespace inner {
    void foo() {
      // ...
Namespace aliases can be formed:
namespace outin = outer::inner;

The using keyword allows you to reference any name from a namespace without qualifying it.

using namespace std;
It can also be used specify a type alias, where an alternative name is used to refer to an existing data type.
using BigOnes = unsigned long long;
typedef unsigned long long BigOnes; // Older, less intuitive syntax


Each operator is associated with a particular named function. Operators can be overloaded by implementing that function.

bool Rectangle::operator==(const Rectangle& other) const
  return _length == other._length && _width == other._width;

Header files

Topic Header file
array <array>
deque <deque>
exception <exception>
map <map>
Mathematical functions <math.h>
queue <queue>
stack <stack>
vector <vector>
Smart pointers <memory>



gtkmm (historically "GTK--") is a C++ wrapper for an underlying GTK code base written in C. Compared to Qt, another GUI library, gtkmm uses more modern and native C++ features.

In Ubuntu, installing the development environment is done with the gnome-devel metapackage:

sudo apt install gnome-devel

NES emulator


C++ Standard Template Library in Practice

/# Topic Video Projects
01.01 The Course Overview
01.02 Templates Introduction to the STL TemplateSTL.cpp
01.03 General Concepts ExceptionSTL.cpp
01.04 Utilities - Common Utilities StringSTL.cpp
01.05 Utilities - Regex RegexSTL.cpp
01.06 Project - Bitcoin Exchange Program BTCX.cpp
01.07 Project - Coding
01.08 Project - Custom Writer Function
01.09 Review
02.01 Understanding Containers
02.02 Vectors
02.03 Standard Array
02.04 Lists
02.05 Stacks and Queues
02.06 Maps and Multimaps - Overview
02.07 Maps - Coding
02.08 Multimaps - Coding
02.09 Sets and Multisets
02.10 Project
02.11 Review
03.01 Iterators
03.02 Input Iterators
03.03 Output Iterators
03.04 Forward Iterators
03.05 Bidirectional Iterators
03.06 Random Access Iterators
03.07 Auxiliary Iterator Functions
03.08 Iterator Adaptors
03.09 Writing Generic Functions for Iterators
03.10 User - Defined Iterators
03.11 Project
03.12 Review
04.01 Introduction to Algorithms
04.02 Sequence Algorithms - for_each
04.03 Sequence Algorithms - equals
04.04 Copying
04.05 Moving
04.06 Removing
04.07 Sorting and Gathering - std::sort
04.08 Sorting and Gathering - std::partial_sort algorithm
04.09 Sorting and Gathering - std::partition
04.10 Sorting and Gathering - std::partition_copy
04.11 Searching and Finding - std::find
04.12 Sorting and Gathering - std::find_first_of, std::adjacent_find
04.13 Sorting and Gathering - std::search
04.14 Sorting and Gathering - std::binary_search
04.15 Counting
05.01 Replacing and Transforming - std::replace
05.02 Replacing and Transforming - std::replace_copy
05.03 Replacing and Transforming - equals
05.04 Swapping
05.05 Rotating
05.06 Randomizing
05.07 Permutations
05.08 Sampling
05.09 Min
05.10 Max
05.11 Clamp
05.12 Fill and Generate
05.13 Numeric Algorithms - std::accumulate
05.14 Numeric Algorithms - std::partial_sum and std::adjacent_difference
05.15 Numeric Algorithms - std::gcd, and std::lcm
05.16 Numeric Algorithms - std::inner_product and std::iota
05.17 Review
06.01 Basic Architecture of the I/O Stream Library
06.02 Console I/O - Interact with a User
06.03 Console I/O - Read Input
06.04 File I/O
06.05 String Streams
06.06 Manipulators and Formatters
06.07 Stream States
06.08 Low Level I/O
06.09 Overloading Stream Operators
06.10 Project - Overview
06.11 Project - Classes and structures
06.12 Project - Implementation
06.13 Review
07.01 Unique Pointers
07.02 Shared Pointers
07.03 Allocators
07.04 Defining an Allocator
07.05 Uninitialized Memory
07.06 Review
08.01 Introduction to Threading
08.02 Creating Threads
08.03 Locks
08.04 Shared Locks
08.05 Atomic Values
08.06 Async
08.07 Condition Variables
08.08 Project
08.09 Review
09.01 Concepts
09.02 Modules
09.03 Coroutines
09.04 Course Review

Complete C++ Developer Course

/# Topic Video Projects
1.1 Section Overview
1.2 Getting Started on Windows with Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
1.3 Getting Started on macOS or Linux with CodeBlocks IDE
1.4 Getting Started with macOS Catalina or Higher with Visual Studio Code
1.5 Finding Answers to Your Questions
2.1 Section Overview
2.2 Saying "Hello" to C++
2.3 Variables and Data Types - Part 1
2.4 Variables and Data Types - Part Two
2.5 Variables and Data Types - Part Three
2.7 Arithmetic Operators
2.8 Relational Operators
2.9 Logical Operators
2.10 Symbolic Constants and Naming Conventions
2.11 User Input
2.12 Project - Average of Three
2.13 Project - MadLibs Clone
2.14 Section Wrap-Up
3.1 Section Overview
3.2 Introduction to Control Statements
3.3 Selection Control Statements
3.4 Repetition Control Statements
3.5 The Break and Continue Statements
3.6 Random Numbers
3.7 Project - Jam of the Month Club
3.8 Project - Odds and Evens
3.9 Project - Guess the Number
3.10 Section Wrap-Up
4.1 Section Overview
4.2 Built-in Arrays
4.3 The Array Class
4.4 The Vector Class
4.5 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
4.6 Project - Array Data
4.7 Project - Vector Data
4.8 Project - Parallel Arrays/Vectors
4.9 Section Wrap-Up
5.1 Section Overview
5.2 Function Prototypes and Definitions FunctionFun.cpp
5.3 Function Return Types and Parameters
5.4 Parameter Passing: Pass-by-Value and Pass-by-Reference PassingSchemes.cpp
5.5 Variable Scope and Lifetime ScopeFun
5.6 Function Overloading
5.7 The <cmath> Library
5.8 Recursion
5.9 Project - Return the Product of Three Parameters
5.10 Project - Return the Sum of Built-in Array Elements
5.11 Project - Return the Sum of Array Object Elements
5.12 Project - Retrieve the Sum of Array Object Elements by Reference
5.13 Project - Tic-Tac-Toe (ADVANCED)
5.14 Section Wrap-Up
6.1 Section Overview
6.2 Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
6.3 Encapsulation: Data Members and Member Functions
6.4 Separate Compilation
6.5 Constructors and Destructors
6.6 A Rectangle Class Rectangle.cpp
6.7 A Book Class
6.8 Project - A Bank Account Class
6.9 Project - A Pizza Class
6.10 Project - A Circle Class
6.11 Section Wrap-Up
7.1 Section Overview
7.2 Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy
7.3 Logic Errors
7.4 Runtime Errors and Throwing Exceptions
7.5 Rethrowing Exceptions
7.6 Custom Exceptions
7.7 Basic Testing and Debugging
7.8 Project - Throwing and Handling an Out_of_Range Exception
7.9 Project - Creating and Using Your Own Exception
7.10 Section Wrap-Up
8.1 Section Overview
8.2 Introduction to Pointers
8.3 Dynamic Memory - Part 1
8.4 Dynamic Memory (- Part 2
8.5 Const Correctness
8.6 Project - Dynamically Creating Rectangles
8.7 Project - Dynamically Creating Circles
8.8 Section Wrap-Up
9.1 Section Overview
9.2 Sequential File Output
9.3 Sequential File Input
9.4 More File Input/ Output (I/O)
9.5 Project - Reading Data from File and Printing Statistics
9.6 Project - Dynamically Creating Rectangles from File
9.7 Project - Shopping Item File
9.8 Section Wrap-Up
10.1 Section Overview
10.2 Inheritance - Part 1
10.3 Inheritance - Part 2)
10.4 Polymorphism and Late Binding
10.5 Enumerated Types This video explains enumerated types. EnumFun.cpp
10.6 Project - Derived Cat Class Cat.cpp
10.7 Project – Role Playing Game (RPG) Player Character Creation RPGCharGen
10.8 Section Wrap-Up
11.1 Section Overview
11.2 Templates - Standard Template Library (STL) TemplateFun.cpp
11.3 queue<T> stack<T> deque<T> Standard Template Library (STL) - Part 1) DequeFun.cpp, StackFun.cpp, QueueProject.cpp
11.4 map<T> Standard Template Library (STL) - Part 2 ContactsFun.cpp, AlgorithmFun.cpp
11.5 unique_ptr<T> Smart Pointers SmartPointerFun.cpp, Car.cpp
11.6 Friend functions Friend Functions and Friend Classes FriendFunctions.cpp
11.7 Operator Overloading OverloadingFun.cpp, Rectangle.h
11.8 map<T> Project - Dictionary of Terms DictionaryProject.cpp
11.9 Project - Aliens Aliens.cpp
11.10 Section Wrap-Up


#include <iostream>
#include "RPGCharGen.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {

Warrior w{"Doofus McGroober", Race::HUMAN};
cout << "Player name: " << w.getName() << endl;
cout << "Player HP:   " << w.getHp() << endl;
cout << "Player MP:   " << w.getMp() << endl;
cout << "Player race: " << w.getRace() << endl;

Priest m{"Brother Tolkien", Race::ELF};
cout << "Player name: " << m.getName() << endl;
cout << "Player HP:   " << m.getHp() << endl;
cout << "Player MP:   " << m.getMp() << endl;
cout << "Player race: " << m.getRace() << endl;

Mage n{"Smart Frodo", Race::DWARF};
cout << "Player name: " << n.getName() << endl;
cout << "Player HP:   " << n.getHp() << endl;
cout << "Player MP:   " << n.getMp() << endl;
cout << "Player race: " << n.getRace() << endl;
return 0;
#if !defined(RPGCHARGEN_H)
#include <string>

enum Race { HUMAN, ELF, DWARF };

class Player {

std::string _name{ "Johnny Bravo" };
Race _race{Race::HUMAN };
int _hp{ 100 };
int _mp{ 100 };

Player(std::string n, Race r, int hp, int mp) : _name{n}, _race{r}, _hp(hp), _mp(mp) {}
virtual std::string attack()= 0;
int getHp()                 { return _hp;   }
int getMp()                 { return _mp;   }

std::string getRace()              
    switch (_race)
    case 0:
    return "human";

    case 1:
    return "elf";
    case 2:
    return "dwarf";

    return "none";
std::string getName()       { return _name; }
void setHp(int n)           { _hp = n;   }
void setMp(int n)           { _mp = n;   }
void setName(std::string s) { _name = s; }
void setRace(Race r)        { _race = r;}

class Warrior : public Player {
Warrior(std::string n, Race r) : Player(n, r, 200, 0) {}
std::string attack() {return "I will destroy you with my sword, foul demon!";}

class Priest : public Player {
Priest(std::string n, Race r) : Player(n, r, 100, 200) {}
std::string attack() {return "Taste the wrath of the Two True Gods!";}

class Mage : public Player {
Mage(std::string n, Race r) : Player(n, r, 150, 150) {}
std::string attack() {return "You are overmatched by my esoteric artifices!";}

#endif // RPGCHARGEN_H