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A decorator is any function that accepts a function and returns a function. Decorators are one of the main ways that Python implements functional programming principles.

Functions are first-class objects and can be passed as parameters.

import logging

def hello_wrapper(name, func):
    func(f'Hello {name}')

hello_wrapper("world", func=print) # Hello world
hello_wrapper("logs", func=logging.warning) # WARNING:root:Hello logs

with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f:
    hello_wrapper('everyone!', func=f.write)

import random

def anagram(t):
    l = [c for c in t]

hello_wrapper('Japushku', anagram) #  eHoulhluaskpJ
The function has to be passed as a reference, actually calling it will cause the wrapper function to attempt to execute the value returned by the inner function.
hello_wrapper("world", func=print()) # Error
def outer():
  print('Hi from the outer function')
  def inner():
    print('Hello from the inner function')

We can use the __name__ attribute to access a passed function's name.

def hello(func):
  print(f'Hello {func.__name__}')

hello(outer) # Hello outer
We can also return functions, which can then be invoked
def hello(func):
  print(f'Hello {func.__name__}')
  return func

Hi from the outer function
Hello from the inner function

new_outer = hello(outer)
new_outer is outer # True

def wrapper(func):
  print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
  print(f'After {func.__name__}')

Before outer
Hi from the outer function
Hello from the inner function
After outer
The true decorator pattern appears here, where wrapper is called the decorator and outer has been decorated.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper():
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
  return _wrapper

outer = wrapper(outer)
But the usual syntax since Python 2.4 is to place the decorator on the line above the decorated function, preceded by @:
def outer():
  print('Hi from the outer function')
  def inner():
    print('Hello from the inner function')
_wrapper here does not accept any positional arguments, so wrapping functions that take arguments will produce a TypeError
def say_hello(name):
  print(f'Hello {name}!') # error
The solution is to incorporate *args, **kwargs into the definition of the inner function, as well as the invocation of the function passed in.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
  return _wrapper
Returned values are not captured yet:
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
    return value
  return _wrapper
Inspecting the decorated function's __name__ attribute reveals that it is still named _wrapper
say_hello.__name__ # '_wrapper'
This is also true for other attributes, including docstring. functools.wraps is a decorator factory to reassign attributes to the wrapped function. This is considered superior to the functools.update_wrapper function which is also available.
def wrapper(func):
  def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Before {func.__name__}')
    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f'After {func.__name__}')
    return value
  return _wrapper
This forms an ideal starting template for the creation of custom decorators.



In the Python documentation, attributes accessed with accessor functions are called managed attributes, which makes the term equivalent to properties in C#.

Three methods can be defined using the @property decorator

def __init__(self, price):
    self._price = price
def price(self):
  return self._price
def price(self, new_price):
    if new_price > 0:
        self._price = new_price
        raise ValueError
def price(self):
    del self._price

Class methods

The @classmethod decorator prevents the interpreter from passing in the instantiated object using self, rather the class itself is passed in as the cls argument. This means that the methods decorated as such must take not self as the first argument but cls

def classmethod(cls):

The @staticmethod decorator prevents the interpreter from passing any additional arguments whatsoever. The resulting method has no access to the object itself nor the class and functions like a procedurally defined function.


flake8, black, and yapf are CLI tools used to automatically format Python code.

Virtual environments


pipenv --python 3.6


Create a virtual environment named project

python -m venv project


Create a virtual environment named project using a different version of Python

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 project


Pytest is a popular testing framework preferred to unittest by many Python developers because it follows Pythonic conventions more closely. In contrast to unittest's custom methods, pytest relies on the builtin assert statement.

from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook():
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    yield phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
python -m pytest

import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        self.phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = self.phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.phonebook = PhoneBook()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
python -m unittest

import os

class PhoneBook:
    def __init__(self, cache_directory = os.getcwd()):
        self.numbers = {}
        self.filename = os.path.join(cache_directory, "phonebook.txt")
        self.cache = open(self.filename, "w")

    def add(self, name, number):
        self.numbers[name] = number

    def lookup(self, name):
        return self.numbers[name]

    def is_consistent(self):
        return True

    def names(self):
        return set(self.numbers.keys())

    def clear(self):
        os.remove(self.filename )


A doctest is a docstring containing what looks like interactive Python sessions. Python Docs

Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.

>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
>>> factorial(30)
>>> factorial(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be >= 0

Factorials of floats are OK, but the float must be an exact integer:
>>> factorial(30.1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be exact integer
>>> factorial(30.0)

It must also not be ridiculously large:
>>> factorial(1e100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: n too large
This can then be run
if __name__ == '__main__':
  import doctest


PyTest relies on the built-in assert statement.


The @pytest.fixture decorator facilitiates the creation of test fixtures. The fixture function's name is used as argument to the test case, and the value returned can be used by the logic within. (src)

Any clean-up logic can be invoked in this fixture as well by replacing return with yield. Pytest also provides its own tmpdir test fixture for temporary directories. (src)

from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook():
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    yield phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
from phonebook import PhoneBook
import pytest

def phonebook(tmpdir):
    phonebook = PhoneBook(tmpdir)
    return phonebook

def test_lookup_by_name(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    assert "1234" == phonebook.lookup("Bob")

def test_phonebook_contains_all_names(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "1234")
    assert "Bob" in phonebook.names()

def test_missing_name_raises_error(phonebook):
    # phonebook = PhoneBook()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):


unittest is a testing framework built into Python's Standard Library that was based on JUnit. unittest came out in 2001, when JUnit was being ported and adapted to many languages. Collectively, these frameworks were referred to as the xUnit family. unittest's method names do not follow Python conventions because it predates the PEP-8 naming standard.

unittest allows you to create test classes that inherit from TestCase.


Assertions are implemented in individual methods of the TestCase subclass through unittest methods like assertEqual and assertRaises, etc. Notably, TestCase subclasses must not have an __init__() constructor method defined.

def test_lookup_by_name(self):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()
    phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
    number = phonebook.lookup("Bob")
    self.assertEqual("12345", number)

assertRaises must be placed in a context manager. Here, the test case will run the code within the with block and check to make sure it raises the specified exception: KeyError: (src)

def test_missing_name(self):
    fleet = Fleet()
    with self.assertRaises(KeyError):


setUp is run before every test method, allowing a test fixture to be created to avoid repetitive code. tearDown is called after every method, which allows these resources to be released, even if the test case raises an exception. However, if it is setUp that raises the exception, then neither the test case nor tearDown will run. (src, src)

import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
        phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
        phonebook = PhoneBook()
import unittest

from phonebook import PhoneBook

class PhoneBookTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.phonebook = PhoneBook()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:

    def test_lookup_by_name(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()
        self.phonebook.add("Bob", "12345")
        number = self.phonebook.lookup("Bob")
        self.assertEqual("12345", number)

    def test_missing_name(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
        # phonebook = PhoneBook()

The @unittest.skip decorator will tell the test runner to skip the decorated test case (src)

def test_empty_phonebook_is_consistent(self):
    phonebook = PhoneBook()

The command line entry point is made with a call to unittest.main(), which executes the tests. (src)

import unittest

from my_sum import sum

class TestSum(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_list_int(self):
    Test that it can sum a list of integers
    data = [1, 2, 3]
    result = sum(data)
    self.assertEqual(result, 6)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Integration tests

By convention, tests are put in their own directory as sibling to the main module ( in order to be able to import it ). Integration and unit tests should be organized separately.

├── project
│   └──
└── tests
    ├── integration
    └── unit

Run all integration tests within specified directory.

python -m unittest discover -s tests/integration



import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml') as f:
    starships = yaml.safe_load(f)
import json

with open('./starships.json') as f:


import yaml

with open('./starships.yaml','w') as f:
    yaml.dump(starships, f)
import json

with open('/starships.json',"w") as f:


When learning unfamiliar packages and importing them in a demonstration script, care must be taken that the demonstration script does not have the same name as the package being studied. If so, attempting to import the package while in an interpreter within that directory will cause the interpreter to try importing the incomplete script and not the package.

When running a Python interpreter within this directory, the files "calc" and "main" can be imported as modules by specifying their names with no file extension.

import calc # No errors
import main # No errors
Specifying the full filename including extension does produce an error
import # Error
import # Error


Method resolution order
Method resolution order (MRO) is the order of base classes that are searched when using super(). It is accessed with __mro__, which returns a tuple of base classes in order of precedence, ending in object which is the root class of all classes.
Non-interactive debugging
Non-interactive debugging is the most basic form of debugging, dependent on print or log statements placed within the body of code.
Type slot
A type slot is any of a number of fields within each magic method, including __new__(), __init__(), and __prepare__() (which returns a dictionary-like object that's used as the local namespace for all code from the class body)