
In Kusto documentation T typically refers to the Table being queried:

| where Predicate

<> is equivalent to !=

| where Level <> 8
| where EventID==4672

Select columns to include, rename, or drop

| project
    X=C,                       // Rename column C to X
    A=2*B,                     // Calculate a new column A from the old B
    C=strcat("-",tostring(C)), // Calculate a new column C from the old C
    B=2*B                      // Calculate a new column B from the old B
| extend label = case (
  DamageProperty < 1000, "Storm",
  DamageProperty > 1000 and DamageProperty < 10000, "Disaster",
  "Catastrophe" )
| summarize count() by label

The SecurityEvent table provided as part of the [Log Analytics][Log Analytics] workspace trainingg dataset contains event viewer logs typical of what a security analyst would analyze, with the following columns:

  • TimeGenerated
  • Account
  • AccountType (Machine or User)
  • Computer
  • EventSourceName
  • Channel
  • CommandLine

Find logons, producing number of logins per Computer for computers with names beginning with "App"

| where TimeGenerated between (ago(14d)..ago(7d))
| where EventID == 4624
| where Computer startswith "App"
| summarize count() by Computer

| where EventID == 4688
| summarize count() by CommandLine, Computer
id title director year length_minutes
1 Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 81
2 A Bug's Life John Lasseter 1998 95
3 Toy Story 2 John Lasseter 1999 93
4 Monsters, Inc. Pete Docter 2001 92
5 Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton 2003 107
6 The Incredibles Brad Bird 2004 116
7 Cars John Lasseter 2006 117
8 Ratatouille Brad Bird 2007 115
9 WALL-E Andrew Stanton 2008 104
10 Up Pete Docter 2009 101
11 Toy Story 3 Lee Unkrich 2010 103
12 Cars 2 John Lasseter 2011 120
13 Brave Brenda Chapman 2012 102
14 Monsters University Dan Scanlon 2013 110

Find the title of each film

| project title
Number of reporting computers each hour AZ-103: 53
| summarize dcount(ComputerIP) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h) 
| render timechart
List top 10 VMs with most error events over the past day MeasureUp
| where (EventLevelName == "Error")
| where (TimeGenerated > ago(1days))
| summarize ErrorCount = count() by Computer
| top 10 by ErrorCount desc

Render a SQL query as KQL

SELECT name FROM greeks;

Count instances of a value

movies | summarize movies_directed = count() by director

Create a new column dynamically from others

movies | extend age = 2020 - year | project name, age;

Hide secrets from the queries log

print h"Hello world!";

Kusto clusters can be provisioned and Kusto databases created and manipulated using both PowerShell and Azure CLI.

The Azure CLI kusto module will not be supported after 01/01/2021.

az extension add -n kusto

Create cluster

New-AzKustoCluster -ResourceGroupName testrg -Name testnewkustocluster -Location 'East US' -SkuName Standard_D11_v2 -SkuTier Standard -EnableDoubleEncryption true
az kusto cluster create --name --resource-group --sku
az kusto database create

Create table

Connect to database

#connect cluster('jasper.eastus').database('test');

Create table

.create table starships (Name:string, Registry:string, Class:string, Crew:int32)

Ingest data

.ingest into table T h'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasper-zanjani/dogfood/master/csv/greeks.csv' with (ignoreFirstRecord=true)
Alternatively, define a new datatable inline

let starships = datatable(Name:string,Class:string,Registry:string,Crew:int)
  "USS Enterprise", "Constitution","NCC-1701",203,
  "USS Constitution","Constitution","NCC-1700",204,
  "USS Defiant","Defiant","NX-74205",50,
  "USS Voyager","Intrepid","NCC-74656",141,
  "USS Enterprise","Galaxy","NCC-1701-D",6000,
  "USS Reliant","Miranda","NCC-1864",35
Search for a word

starships | search  "enterprise";
search in (SecurityEvent) "Cryptographic"
| take 10;

Datetime values support a menagerie of functions

print datetime(2015-01-01) # 2015-01-01 00:00:00.0000
print format_datetime(datetime(2015-01-01), "yyyy") # 2015

Concatenate values from other columns.

| project EpisodeId, where_storm = strcat(EventType, " in ", State);

Export data

.export async to sql ['dbo.StormEventTypeTable']
