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Variables values can be taken from the route or from query parameters following a question mark.

from fastapi import FastAPI

starships = FastAPI()

def get_starship(name: str):
    return {"response": f"Hello, {name}"}
from fastapi import FastAPI

starships = FastAPI()

def get_starship(name: str = "world"):
    return {"response": f"Hello, {name}"}

FastAPI is notable for being able to use type hints to construct data models, which are much lighter than the object relational models used by other frameworks.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Starship(BaseModel):
    name : str
    registry : str
    crew : int
from django.db import models

class Starship(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    registry = models.CharField(max_length=15)
    crew = models.IntegerField()

Dogfood data can be incorporated by using the keyword argument unpacking or "double splat" operator (**)

data = {"name": "USS Enterprise", "registry" : "NCC-1701", "crew" : 203}
enterprise = Starship(**data)

POST method definitions then can use this newly defined class to validate posted data

db = []"/starships")
async def create_starship(starship : Starship):

FastAPI supports Jinja templates to serve HTML templates

import fastapi
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates

# specifies the directory where templates are to be found
templates = Jinja2Templates("templates") 

api = fastapi.APIRouter()

def index(request: starlette.requests.Request):
    return templates.TemplateResponse("helloworld.html", {"request" : request})

By default, FastAPI also exposes web applications at /docs where you can test out all the exposed API methods.

FastAPI integrates with ASGI servers like Uvicorn and Hypercorn, which can run a specific web application by name from the command-line or from within the script:

uvicorn main:starships --port 7000
import uvicorn, port=7000)