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Rust's distinguishing feature as a programming language is its ability to prevent invalid data access at compile time.

—Tim McNamara

Rust offers zero-cost abstractions, where using the abstraction imposes no additional runtime overhead.


Rust uses C-style line comments using // and block comments using /*, */

Doc comments support markdown and are used to generate documentation with the use of cargo doc.

Markdown code blocks containing test cases are known as doc tests and can be run with cargo test, for library crates only. Note that markdown code blocks in Rust doc comments don't need a language annotation.

  • Outer doc comments are preceded by /// and are written immediately preceding the code blocks they document
  • Inner doc comments are preceded by //! and are written within code blocks, similar to docstrings in Python


Variable declarations are called bindings in Rust, and by convention variable names are in snake_case (lower-case letters with words delimited by _). They are globally scoped by default unless they are declared in a code block.

Variables are immutable by default, so if their values are to change they must be marked with mut. However, immutable variables are distinct from constants declared using const, which cannot be made mutable at all. const identifiers are conventionally written in capitalized snake_case.

let language = " ";        // Immutable
let mut language = " ";    // Mutable
const language = " ";      // Constant

Data type is explicitly specified on initialization after colon, and this same syntax is used to type function parameters and return types:

let language: String = " ";

A special ! type indicates that the function never returns

// RIA p. 78
fn read(f: &mut File, save_to: &mut Vec<u8>) -> ! {

Numbers can be typed by appending the data type to the value itself. Digits can be separated with _

let x = 255i8;
let y = 1_024_i16;

Because implicit integer conversions are a well-known source of bugs and security holes, conversion must be explicit using the as keyword:

do_something(x as i32);

Common mathematical calculations are implemented as methods, which can be called directly on variables or literals or as associated functions of the type:

let x = (4.5_f64).floor()

let y = 4.0_f64;
let z = y.sqrt();

let a = f64::sqrt(4.0);

Common constants can be found in each type's consts module, i.e. std::f32::consts. Other values like MIN, MAX, INFINITY, NEG_INFINITY, and NAN (not-a-number) are also implemented as consts.

Shadowing and masking are terms that refer to using a locally scoped variable with the same identifier as a global variable. When in the local variable's block, the local variable is said to be masking the global one, which conversely is shadowing the local. Once the local scope is exited, the global variable's variable is accessible again and the local variable is destroyed.

Shadowing is used in the Guessing Game coding task to parse the input string as an integer.

Integers can be fixed-length or variable-length. Fixed-size integers can be signed (i) or unsigned (u) and 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits: i.e. i8, u64 etc. Variable-size integers can be pointer-sized signed isize or pointer-sized unsigned usize, the size of both of which depend on the architecture of the host system.

Arrays and Tuples are considered primitive data types, albeit Compound ones. Integer and Float are considered Numeric Scalars, while Boolean and Chars are considered Non-Numeric Scalars.

  • Floating point numbers can be single-precision f32 or double-precision f64.
  • Booleans are true or false (lower-case).

Arrays are homogeneous sequences of elements and must be of a fixed length, declared at initialization, although the type can be determined implicitly.

Type can be inferred by the compiler or explicitly annotated after a colon:

let var = 0;
let arr = [0 ; 4];
let person = ("John", 35, "Doe");
let var:u8 = 0;
let arr:[i32; 4] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let person : (&str, i32, &str) = ("John", 35, "Doe");

Array length can be given by the len() method.

Array slicing

let arr:[i32;4] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; 
let slice_array2:&[i32] = &arr[0..2];

Tuples, like arrays, are fixed-length. But unlike arrays they are heterogeneous sequences of elements.

Tuples can be destructured (i.e. unpacked)

let person = ("John", 35, "Doe");
let (first_name, age, last_name) = person;

Tuples can be made mutable with the mut keyword.

Rust's standard library includes a number of collections

  • A vector stores a variable number of values of a single type in a sequence
  • A String is a collection of characters
  • A hash map is a key-value store


One of the key and unique features of Rust is the concept of ownership, which achieves memory safety without the use of a garbage collector.

Stack versus heap

The stack and heap are locations in memory that are available to the application at runtime.

  • The stack is a LIFO that is used for sizes that are known at compile-time. It is comparable to a stack of plates of uniform size from which plates can be removed only from the top. Values are said to be "pushed onto" or "popped off" the stack.
  • The heap is less organized and less efficient, and is used for sizes that are known only at runtime. The operating system must search for an appropriate memory location based on the application's request at runtime, returning a pointer, and this process makes the heap less efficient than the stack. Memory locations are said to be "allocated on" the heap.

Some complex data types like String are composed of a pointer, stored in the stack because its size is known at compile-time, that points to a location on the heap that holds the String's contents, which are known only at runtime.

In other languages these statements would cause s2 to become a shallow copy of s1, pointing to the same location in memory where the String contents are stored. However, ownership rules in Rust cause s1 to be invalidated because s2 becomes the owner of the data contents on the heap, and this is called a move.

let s1 = String::from("Hello, world!");
let s2 = s1;
println("{}", s1); // compiler error

This allows Rust to avoid the double free error caused by attempting to free the same memory location twice, which can cause corruption and security issues. When the variable goes out of scope, its backing memory is freed.

A deep copy is still possible with the common clone method:

let s2 = s1.clone();

This behavior is only for data that is stored on the heap, not the stack. The size of integers is known at compile-time, so they are stored entirely on the stack, and therefore copies of the values are efficiently made.

let x = 5;
let y = x;
println!("{}",x); // no error

More specifically, certain types have a special annotation called the Copy trait which enable this behavior. For types that "are Copy" - i.e. have the Copy trait - an older variable is still usable after assignment. Copy types include integers, booleans, chars, floats, and tuples containing only other Copy types.

Function calls also exhibit move behavior; after a variable is passed as argument to a function, the function owns it and it may not be used again in its original context unless ownership is returned. If the value is not returned, the argument's contents are consumed and it may not be used again in the calling context.

This is why most function calls in Rust use references, prefixing the variable identifier with &, a process called borrowing.

Passing a value to a function while transferring ownership is called "passing by value" or a move, whereas using a reference is called "passing by reference".

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("Dgiapusccu");
    println!("Hello again, {}!", s); // compiler error

fn hello_world(s:String) {
    println!("Hello, {}!", s)

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("Dgiapusccu");
    let s = hello_world(s);
    println!("Hello again, {}!", s);

fn hello_world(s:String) -> String {
    println!("Hello, {}!", s);
fn main() {
    let s = String::from("Dgiapusccu");
    println!("Hello again, {}!", s);

fn hello_world(s:&String) {
    println!("Hello, {}!", s)



Pointer types like Box<T> and those internal to String and Vec are owning pointers: when the owner is dropped the referent is deallocated. Nonowning pointer types are called references and have no effect on their referents' lifetimes.

There are two types of reference:

  • Shared references let you read but not modify the referent Multiple shared references to the same value can be created.
  • Mutable references allow both reading and modifying of the referent To prevent data races only one mutable reference to a location in a scope can exist.

A mutable reference and an immutable one cannot coexist in the same scope. Moves after a borrow are also forbidden, for this same reason.

Here, the call to push() causes the vector to be reallocated on the heap after an immutable borrow was made.

let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3];
let x = &data[0];

println!("{}", x);

Copy and Clone

Rust provides two traits that relate to the copying of data: Copy and Clone.

  • Copy allows values stored on the stack only to be duplicated. Any type whose parts all implement Copy can also derive Copy. However, this trait is rarely required since primitives stored on the stack already have optimizations available. In the background this relies on the memcpy syscall.
  • Clone is for explicitly creating a deep copy of values, especially those allocated on the heap. Types that implement Copy also trivially implement Clone.


Accessing tuple elements is done with the . operator

let coord: (i8, i8) = (10, 20);
println!("{}, {}", coord.0, coord.1);



Strictly speaking, OOP is not actually implemented in Rust because there is no inheritance. However, objects that combine data with logic can be created structs and impls.

A group of methods that are shared by multiple types can have their signatures defined by a trait. Types then implement the trait, and functions can be defined that accept any type that does so by specifying the trait instead of a single concrete type.

pub fn notify(item: impl Summary) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());


Tests are functions annotated with the #[test] attribute. Tests fail when the test function panics.

fn math_works() {
    assert_eq!(2+2, 4);

fn fails() {
    panic!("This test will fail");

Tests can also be incorporated in documentation as markdown code blocks.


std::sync::atomic provides thread-safe types modeled on the atomics of C++20. This model introduces the concept of atomic accesses which tell the hardware and compiler what ordering it has with relation to other accesses. This largely boils down to preventing reordering of instructions and determining how writes are propagated to other threads.

std::sync::RwLock is a reader-writer lock, which allows a number of readers or at most one writer at any point in time. A Mutex, by comparison, does not distinguish between readers or writers and blocks any threads waiting for the lock to become available.

let lock = std::sync::RwLock::new(1);

let mut n = lock.write().unwrap(); // (1)
*n = 2;

assert!(lock.try_read().is_err()); // (2)
  1. write attempts to acquire the rwlock with exclusive write access and returns a LockResult, which is really just a type alias for a Result.
  2. try_read attempts to acquire the rwlock with shared read access.