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GNOME Tweaks

GnomeTweaks is the application class and is defined in gtweak/

Window is the window class, and its constructor takes the application and liststore subclass instances as arguments.

class GnomeTweaks(Gtk.Application):
    def do_activate(self):
        if not
            model = TweakModel()
   = Window(self, model)
TweakModel inherits from Gtk.ListStore and stores tweak groups which correspond to the pages of settings in the app. These tweak groups are defined as classes in Python modules placed in gtweak/tweaks, each of them subclassing parent classes like GSettingsSwitchTweak and GetterSetterSwitchTweak, which are defined in gtweak/

Each of the tweak group modules defines a top-level list named TWEAK_GROUPS with only a single element - an instance of ListBoxTweakGroup, which is also defined in ListBoxTweakGroup, in turn, is a subclass of Gtk.ListBox and TweakGroup ( by multiple inheritance.

Some TWEAK_GROUPs like that of the Desktop group are only populated conditionally.

from gtweak.widgets import ListBoxTweakGroup, GSettingsSwitchTweak, Title

dicons = GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Show Icons"),"org.gnome.desktop.background","show-desktop-icons")
home = GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Home"),"org.gnome.nautilus.desktop",
                            "home-icon-visible", depends_on=dicons,


if home.loaded:
        Title(_("Icons on Desktop"), "", uid="title-theme", top=True),
        GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Network Servers"),"org.gnome.nautilus.desktop", "network-icon-visible", depends_on=dicons, schema_filename="org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml"),
        GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Trash"),"org.gnome.nautilus.desktop", "trash-icon-visible", depends_on=dicons, schema_filename="org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml"),
        GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Mounted Volumes"),"org.gnome.nautilus.desktop", "volumes-visible", depends_on=dicons, schema_filename="org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml"),
        GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Animations"), "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "enable-animations"),
        # Don't show this setting in the Ubuntu session since this setting is in gnome-control-center there
        GSettingsSwitchTweak(_("Over-Amplification"), "org.gnome.desktop.sound", "allow-volume-above-100-percent",
            desc=_("Allows raising the volume above 100%. This can result in a loss of audio quality; it is better to increase application volume settings, if possible."), loaded=_shell_not_ubuntu),

ListBoxTweakGroup is instantiated with a series of arguments, starting with its name and followed by individual tweaks or settings. These tweaks are also defined as classes in gtweak/, although some like IgnoreLidSwitchTweak are defined inline with the TWEAK_GROUP lists where they are instantiated. I'm still not sure what the _() means, but it is apparently some function call.

All tweaks share some features:

  • Their names reflect the control used in their interface ("Switch", "SpinButton", "ComboEnum", etc) in the form "GSettings...Tweak
  • They subclass Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, and _DependableMixin by multiple inheritance
  • They instantiate a horizontally oriented Gtk.Box with a curious syntax.
    Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
  • They instantiate _GSettingsTweak with a similar syntax
    _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)
  • The rest of the widget is defined procedurally and added to self in the constructor as normal

By far the most common tweak is GSettingsSwitchTweakValue.

class GSettingsSwitchTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        w = Gtk.Switch()
        self.settings.bind(key_name, w, "active", Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT)


        vbox1 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
        vbox1.props.spacing = UI_BOX_SPACING
        lbl = Gtk.Label(label=name)
        lbl.props.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END
        lbl.props.xalign = 0.0
        vbox1.pack_start(lbl, True, True, 0)

        if options.get("desc"):
            description = options.get("desc")
            lbl_desc = Gtk.Label()
            lbl_desc.props.xalign = 0.0
            lbl_desc.set_markup("<span size='small'>"+GLib.markup_escape_text(description)+"</span>")
            vbox1.pack_start(lbl_desc, True, True, 0)

        vbox2 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
        vbox2_upper = Gtk.Box()
        vbox2_lower = Gtk.Box()
        vbox2.pack_start(vbox2_upper, True, True, 0)
        vbox2.pack_start(w, False, False, 0)
        vbox2.pack_start(vbox2_lower, True, True, 0)

        self.pack_start(vbox1, True, True, 0)
        self.pack_start(vbox2, False, False, 0)
        self.widget_for_size_group = None
class GSettingsSwitchTweakValue(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak):

    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        sw = Gtk.Switch()
        sw.connect("notify::active", self._on_toggled)

        vbox1 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
        vbox1.props.spacing = UI_BOX_SPACING
        lbl = Gtk.Label(label=name)
        lbl.props.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END
        lbl.props.xalign = 0.0
        vbox1.pack_start(lbl, True, True, 0)

        if options.get("desc"):
            description = options.get("desc")
            lbl_desc = Gtk.Label()
            lbl_desc.props.xalign = 0.0
            lbl_desc.set_markup("<span size='small'>"+GLib.markup_escape_text(description)+"</span>")
            vbox1.pack_start(lbl_desc, True, True, 0)

        vbox2 = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
        vbox2_upper = Gtk.Box()
        vbox2_lower = Gtk.Box()
        vbox2.pack_start(vbox2_upper, True, True, 0)
        vbox2.pack_start(sw, False, False, 0)
        vbox2.pack_start(vbox2_lower, True, True, 0)

        self.pack_start(vbox1, True, True, 0)
        self.pack_start(vbox2, False, False, 0)
        self.widget_for_size_group = None

    def _on_toggled(self, sw, pspec):

    def set_active(self, v):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_active(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
class GSettingsFontButtonTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        w = Gtk.FontButton()
        self.settings.bind(key_name, w, "font-name", Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT)
        build_label_beside_widget(name, w, hbox=self)
        self.widget_for_size_group = w
class GSettingsRangeTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        # returned variant is range:(min, max)
        _min, _max = self.settings.get_range(key_name)[1]

        w = Gtk.HScale.new_with_range(_min, _max, options.get('adjustment_step', 1))
        self.settings.bind(key_name, w.get_adjustment(), "value", Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT)

        build_label_beside_widget(, w, hbox=self)
        self.widget_for_size_group = w
class GSettingsSpinButtonTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        # returned variant is range:(min, max)
        _min, _max = self.settings.get_range(key_name)[1]

        adjustment = Gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=_min, upper=_max, step_increment=options.get('adjustment_step', 1))
        w = Gtk.SpinButton()
        w.set_digits(options.get('digits', 0))
        self.settings.bind(key_name, adjustment, "value", Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT)

        build_label_beside_widget(name, w, hbox=self)
        self.widget_for_size_group = w

class GSettingsComboEnumTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        _type, values = self.settings.get_range(key_name)
        value = self.settings.get_string(key_name)
        self.settings.connect('changed::'+self.key_name, self._on_setting_changed)

        w = build_combo_box_text(value, *[(v, v.replace("-", " ").title()) for v in values])
        w.connect('changed', self._on_combo_changed)
        self.combo = w

        build_label_beside_widget(name, w, hbox=self)
        self.widget_for_size_group = w

    def _values_are_different(self):
        # to stop bouncing back and forth between changed signals. I suspect there must be a nicer
        # Gio.settings_bind way to fix this
        return self.settings.get_string(self.key_name) != \
            self.combo.get_model().get_value(self.combo.get_active_iter(), 0)

    def _on_setting_changed(self, setting, key):
        assert key == self.key_name
        val = self.settings.get_string(key)
        model = self.combo.get_model()
        for row in model:
            if val == row[0]:

    def _on_combo_changed(self, combo):
        val = self.combo.get_model().get_value(self.combo.get_active_iter(), 0)
        if self._values_are_different():
            self.settings.set_string(self.key_name, val)
class GSettingsComboTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak, _DependableMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, key_options, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, schema_name, key_name, **options)

        # check key_options is iterable
        # and if supplied, check it is a list of 2-tuples
        assert len(key_options) >= 0
        if len(key_options):
            assert len(key_options[0]) == 2
        self._key_options = key_options

        self.combo = build_combo_box_text(
        self.combo.connect('changed', self._on_combo_changed)
        self.settings.connect('changed::'+self.key_name, self._on_setting_changed)

        build_label_beside_widget(name, self.combo, hbox=self)
        self.widget_for_size_group = self.combo

    def _on_setting_changed(self, setting, key):
        assert key == self.key_name
        val = self.settings.get_string(key)
        model = self.combo.get_model()
        for row in model:
            if val == row[0]:


    def _on_combo_changed(self, combo):
        _iter = combo.get_active_iter()
        if _iter:
            value = combo.get_model().get_value(_iter, 0)
            self.settings.set_string(self.key_name, value)

    def extra_info(self):
        if self._extra_info is None:
            self._extra_info = self.settings.schema_get_summary(self.key_name)
            self._extra_info += " " + " ".join(op[0] for op in self._key_options)
        return self._extra_info

IgnoreLidSwitchTweak is unusual as a tweak that inherits from GetterSetterSwitchTweak, which inherits in turn from the Tweak base class that is actually in gtweak/

class IgnoreLidSwitchTweak(GetterSetterSwitchTweak):
    def __init__(self, **options):
        self._inhibitor_name = "gnome-tweak-tool-lid-inhibitor"
        self._inhibitor_path = "%s/%s" % (gtweak.LIBEXEC_DIR, self._inhibitor_name)

        self._dfile = AutostartFile(None,
                                    autostart_desktop_filename = "ignore-lid-switch-tweak.desktop",
                                    exec_cmd = self._inhibitor_path)

        GetterSetterSwitchTweak.__init__(self, _("Suspend when laptop lid is closed"), **options)

    def get_active(self):
        return not self._sync_inhibitor()

    def set_active(self, v):
        self._dfile.update_start_at_login(not v)

    def _sync_inhibitor(self):
        if (self._dfile.is_start_at_login_enabled()):
            return True
            bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
                    GLib.Variant('(sava{sv})', ('quit', [], {})),
                    None, 0, -1, None)
            return False
class GetterSetterSwitchTweak(Gtk.Box, Tweak):
    def __init__(self, name, **options):
        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
        Tweak.__init__(self, name, options.get("description", ""), **options)

        sw = Gtk.Switch()
        sw.connect("notify::active", self._on_toggled)

        build_label_beside_widget(name, sw, hbox=self)

    def _on_toggled(self, sw, pspec):

    def get_active(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def set_active(self, v):
        raise NotImplementedError()
class Tweak(object):

    main_window = None
    widget_for_size_group = None
    extra_info = ""

    def __init__(self, name, description, **options): = name or ""
        self.description = description or ""
        self.uid = options.get("uid", self.__class__.__name__)
        self.group_name = options.get("group_name", _("Miscellaneous"))
        self.loaded = options.get("loaded", True)
        self.widget_sort_hint = None

        self._search_cache = None

    def search_matches(self, txt):
        if self._search_cache is None:
            self._search_cache = string_for_search( + " " + \
                self._search_cache += " " + string_for_search(self.extra_info)
                LOG.warning("Error adding search info", exc_info=True)
        return txt in self._search_cache

    def notify_logout(self):
        self._logoutnotification = LogoutNotification()

    def notify_information(self, summary, desc=""):
        self._notification = Notification(summary, desc)